back to school season

your kids and their eyes


Photo credit: @lafontparis

I remember the day last year when a parent came in and told me this…

She thanked me for working hard to fit her child with glasses properly and went on to tell me what led her to the visit. “I thought my child had a learning disability,” she began. I was concerned about his ability to learn, process and understand. Make a long story short, a quick visit to the eye doctor put my concerns at ease. I felt so silly. He just needed glasses!!!

Coincidentally that same week I bumped into Rifka Schonfeld, an acclaimed Reading Specialist, educator and author in our community. Rifka and I go way back – she was actually my son Moshe’s first grade teacher and helped mold him into the remarkable man and father of 4 that he is today. 

I brought up the incident and she confirmed it! “This happens all the time,” she told me. Seeing an eye doctor and making sure your children are seeing well is the first step to everything. Only then can any other work begin. 

As a grandparent now, I remember the days of getting my kids ready for school. Uniforms, shirts, pants and school supplies. I’m excited now to help my children get their kids ready.

But things have changed so much since I was a parent. Thank Gd, the parent of today has so many more resources at their fingertips. If a child doesn’t read as well as they should, doesn’t speak clearly, or misbehaves there are so many more resources available than ever before.

And so, parents, grandparents and friends SCHOOL IS STARTING (😁) so please make sure you’re doing all you can to help your kids! 

Our in-house expert Optometrist is available to see you and help your child thrive! Take the time. Schedule an eye exam for your child. You’ll thank us later!

By the way, I’d recommend Rivka to anyone. If you think your child can benefit from her services, contact her at 718-382-5437.

make an appointment today!

1552 Coney Island Ave,
Brooklyn, NY 11230, USA
[email protected]